이 글은 서울대학교 평생교육원 열린강좌 중, 홍성수 교수님의 운영체제 강의 및 pt자료를 정리한 내용임을 알려드립니다.
서울대학교 평생교육원 열린강좌 - 운영체제 (홍성수 교수님)
Process and Threads
- Process Concepts
- Process Scheduling
- Context Switching
- Process Creation and Termination
- MultiThreading
- Conclusion
2. Process Scheduling
Process Scheduling
- For several processes to shrare a CPU,
- OS must select a process to run next.
Constraints - 만족해야하는 제약 조건
- OS must have
- Fair scheduling ( fair는 상대적인 개념 )
- Make sure each process gets a chance to run.
- Protection
- Making sure processes don’t trash each other.
- Fair scheduling ( fair는 상대적인 개념 )
- OS must have
Scheduler Design principle
- Process scheduler design by system design principle
- Separation of policy and mechanism.
- Separation of scheduling policies and dispatching mechanisms.
- Leads to two-level architecture.
- Policy and Mechanism ( 2가지로 나뉠 수 있음. )
- Policy : 어떤 process를 다음에 선택하는지에 대한 기준.
- Mechanism : CPU를 한 프로세스에서 다른 프로세스로 넘겨주는 방법.
- Separation of policy and mechanism.
Dispatcher (1)
- Inner-most portion of OS that runs processes.
1. loop forever {
2. run the process for a while
3. stop it and save its state
4. load state of another process
5. }
- program : 수동적
- process : 능동적
- OS는 passive함.
- Dispatcher가 user process를 돌리기 위해서는 2가지가 필요한데.
- User process -> OS(dispatcher) kernel
- OS(dispatcher) kernel -> User Process
- H/w적인 interrupt가 필요함.
Dispatcher (2)
- Chanllenges
- How does the dispatcher keep control?
- CPU can only be doing one thing at a time.
- User process running means that dispatcher isn’t.
- Which process is executed next?
- Need to locate runnable processes efficiently.
- How does the dispatcher keep control?
1. Entering and Leaving the Kernel (1)
- How does the dispatcher regain control?
- Trust the process to wakeup the disppatcher.
- On a voluntary basis - “non-preemptive” way
- Problem: Sometimes processes misbehave.
- Provide the dispatcher with an alarm clock
- On a compulsory basis - “preemptive” way
- Timer hardware and interrupts.
- Trust the process to wakeup the disppatcher.
1. Entering and Leaving the Kernel (2)
Misconceptions about kernel
- Like a user process, Kernel is an active and independent entity possessing a thread of control.
- Kernel is continuously monitoring user processes while they are running.
In reality,
- Kernel is a passive entity consisting of kernel functions and interrupt service routines.
- Kernel is like a library.
1. Entering and Leaving the Kernel (3)
- Kernel is a collection of functions running in kernel space
- System call 함수
- interrupt servie routine도 존재.
1. Entering and Leaving the Kernel (4)
- Kernel space(mode)
- Elevated system state compared to normal user applications.
- Protected memory space.
- Full access to the hardware.
- System state + memory space
- Elevated system state compared to normal user applications.
- User space(mode)
- Restricted system state compared to the kernel.
- A subset of the machine’s available resources.
- Limited privilege
- Unable to perform certaion system functions
- Restricted system state + restricted memory space.
- 프로세스가 user mode에서 수행될 때는 user mode stack을 사용
- kernel mode에서 수행시는 kernel mode stack을 사용함
- kernel memory에 stack을 둔다는 의미는?
- 2개의 다른 stack but, PID는 동일함.
- Restricted system state compared to the kernel.
1. Entering and Leaving the Kernel (5)
- **Execution modes in protected MMU machine
1. Entering and Leaving the Kernel (6)
- Dispatching is a kernel function after all
- Control returns to OS on
- Traps : Events internal to user processes
- System calls
- Error (illegal instructions, address error, etc )
- Page faults
- Interrupts: Events external to user processes
- Character typed at a terminal.
- Completion of a disk transfer.
- Timer to make sure OS eventually gets control.
- Non-preemptive vs. Preemptive scheduling
- Non-preemptive scheduling : 프로세스가 자발적으로 cpu를 양보하여 다른 프로세스를 수행하는 스케줄링.
- S/W interrupt(trap)을 사용시 호출가능.
- Preemptive scheduling : 운영체제가 cpu를 빼앗아 다른 프로세스에게 넘김
- H/W interrupt에 의해 작동
- Timer circuit을 통해 가능.
- Non-preemptive scheduling : 프로세스가 자발적으로 cpu를 양보하여 다른 프로세스를 수행하는 스케줄링.
- Traps : Events internal to user processes
1.Entering and Leaving the Kernel (7)
- Mode change of process
- Q. debugger를 사용할때 가장 먼저하는 일은?
- A. program에 break point를 걸고, 프로세스 stack을 확인.
stack의 함수 수행이력을 볼 수 있음.
함수는 instruction of sequence의 추상화된 개체.
*Program의 수행중인 상태를 trace할때, process stack을 trace함.
- process 요소 2가지
- ”state” : Context( memory, h/w, system )
- “execution stream” (thread of control) : instruction of sequence –> runtime context
함수가 수행되려면 stack공간이 필요, return, 지역변수 등이 실행 주체 process stack을 사용.
- user mode에서의 stack
Q. linux process는 PID가 있다. kernel func수행 중 process ID는 무엇인가?
- A. kernel mode이더라도 System call을 한 프로세스이다.
1. Entering and Leaving the Kernel (8)
- System call vs. function call
- Common properties
- Transfer control to another routine.
- Maintain the context of the process
- Differences
- Syscall incurs mode change but function call doesn’t
- Syscall is more expensive than function call
- Common properties
2, scheduling Policy (1)
- Once dispatcher gets control, how to decide who’s next?
- Possiblities
- Scan process table for first runnable process:
- Might spend much time searching
- Results in weird priorities: Small PIDs better
- Question : How do you know a process is runnable?
- Link together the runbable processes into a queue
- Dispatcher takes from the head of the queue.
- Runnable processes are inserted at back of queue.
- Called “ready list” or “run queue”
- Assign priorities to processes
- Keep the queue sorted by priority
- Separate queue per priority
- Scan process table for first runnable process:
- Possiblities
2. Scheduling Policy (2)
- Who decides priorities and how are priorities chosen?
- Who?
- Separate part of OS : the scheduler
- Question: Why not by the dispatcher?
- Concept: Separation of policy and mechanusm
- How?
- Subject of the next topic.
- Who?
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