이 글은 서울대학교 평생교육원 열린강좌 중, 홍성수 교수님의 운영체제 강의 및 pt자료를 정리한 내용임을 알려드립니다.
서울대학교 평생교육원 열린강좌 - 운영체제 (홍성수 교수님)
Process and Threads
- Process Concepts
- Process Scheduling
- Context Switching
- Process Creation and Termination
- MultiThreading
- Conclusion
1. Process concepts
Process Concepts (1)
What is a process and why is it useful?
- 프로세스란, OS위에서 program을 구동시키는 단위.
- runtime system의 수행주체.
- 자원사용의 주체.
- With many things happening at once in a system, need some way of separating them all out cleanly.
- Important concept : “Decomposition”
- Solve a hard problem by chopping it into serveral simpler problems that can be solved separately.
- SW의 복잡도를 감소하는 2가지 방법
- abstraction
- decomposition : 복잡한 문제를 단순한 여러개로 분할하여 해결하는 방법
Process Concepts (2)
- Definition of a process
- Program in execution.
- An execution stream in the context of a particular process state.
- 특정 프로세스의 상태에서 실행되는 execution stream이다.
What is an “execution stream” and what is a “process state”?
- Process state is everything that can affect, or be affected by the process
- code, data, values, open files, etc.
- Execution strea is a sequence of instructions performed in a process state
- Key simplifying feature of a process
- Only one thing happens at a time within a process.
- Process state is everything that can affect, or be affected by the process
Execution Stream
- 프로세스가 지금까지 수행된 모든 명령어들의 순서.
- Program과 Process의 차이
- Program이 수행중이라는 것은?
- 저장매체에 저장된 수동적인 Code Sequence => process
- cpu, memory, i/o device 등 더 많은 자원을 필요로함. (능동적인)
- Program이 수행중이라는 것은?
- Definition of a process
Process Concepts (3)
- Process state of context
- Collection of three types of contexts
- Memory context
- code segment, data segment, stack segment, heap
- code : 기계어
- data : 프로그램 전역변수
- stack : 지역변수, function call 등의 정보 저장.
- Hardware context
- CPU registers, I/O registers
- System context
- Process table, open file table, page table.
- Memory context
- Realization of the notion of process.
- Collection of three types of contexts
Process Concepts (4)
- Multiprogramming vs. multiprocessing
- Uniprogramming
- Only one process in memory at a time.
- Mostly old PC OS
- Makes some parts of OS easier, bu others hard.
- Multiprogramming
- memory관점에서 여러개의 active job이 수행되는 것(load 되는것)
- Multiple processes in memory.
- Most systems support multiprogramming
- Multiprocessing
- Multiple processes are running together at the same time
- CPU is multiplexed.
- Swapping
- 메모리부족 문제를 해결하기 위해,
- cpu를 사용하지 않는 프로세스의 데이터를 메모리에서 다른 저장장치로 내보내고,
- cpu를 사용할 프로세스의 데이터를 메모리로 로드하는 것.
- Uniprogramming
Process Concepts (5)
- Why is the process useful?
Design-time entity vs. run-time entity
- Accepting the system requirements and
- Generating a collection of tasks
- Design by decomposition
- Task is a design-time entity
- Process is a run-time entity
- Target of CPU scheduling and resource allocation
Implementation is
- A mapping from design-time entities onto run-time entities.
Run-time entity : OS가 관리하는 단위, 수행의 주체, 자원사용의 주체
- SW system의 개발
- 설계 –> 요구사항 명세서 –> 설계 (Decomposition) —> “a set of Task”
- 구현 –> {Tasks} –> 구현 –> {Programs} –> “Processes”
- 설계단계의 Task들이 1:1로 Process로 mapping된다.
- OS가 Task들을 하나의 Process로 처리가능
- Process는 실세계의 무엇과 비슷할까?
- OS가 정부라면, Process는 시민과 유사
- 수행의 주체 + 자원사용의 주체
Process Control Block
- With Multiprocessing, OS must keep track of processes
- For each process, a process control block (PCB) holds
- Execution state( saved registers, etc. )
- Scheduling information ( priority )
- Accounting and other misc, information (open files )
- System-wide table of PCB
- Process table
- Fixed-size array of PCB’s
- For each process, a process control block (PCB) holds
State Transition (1)
- As a process executes, it changes state
- New
- Process is being created.
- Running
- Instructions are being executed.
- Waiting
- Process is waiting for some event to occur
- Ready
- Process is waiting to be assigned to CPU
- Terminated
- Process has finished execution.
- New
State Transition (3)
- State transitions and scheduling queues
- Queues at different state
- Ready queue(PCB사용)
- set of all processes residing in main memory. –> cpu를 받지 못함.
–> Synchrous I/O시 waiting to ready 신호 수신시
다수의 waiting proess가 있을 수 있음.
다만 이유가 다를 수 있고,
각 이유에 따른 queue에 저장됨. - ready and waiting to execute
- set of all processes residing in main memory. –> cpu를 받지 못함.
- Device queues ( I/O waiting queues )
- Set of processes waiting for an I/O device
- Ready queue(PCB사용)
- State transition
- Migrating processes between various queues.
- Queues at different state
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